United States

Miley partied in it, the Beach Boys surfed in it, you’re going to work in it – yep, it’s the USA. Home to rom-com cities, blockbuster national parks and our longest-running BUNAC program – we’ve been helping travellers live the American dream for over 60 years.

Whether you want to spend the summer working, interning or helping young people at a summer camp – we set you up with the sponsorship, J-1 visa support and job placing to make it happen.

Summer Camp USA

Supersize your summer. Grow your skills, earn money, make lifelong friends and explore the real America.  

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Work USA

Summer lovin’. It happened so fast. And suddenly, I had a pre-arranged job working in the States for the summer!

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Grad USA

America needs you! (Actually, just Aussies and Kiwis, sorry). Work in the USA for a year on this one-time visa. 

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Intern USA

If you make it here, you’ll make it anywhere. We provide the sponsorship and support to intern in America.

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