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Summer Camp USA T&Cs

BUNAC Summer Camp USA terms and conditions for your booking.

JENZA Paper Tear
  • General Terms & Conditions
  • Summer Camp USA
  • BUNAC Extra Mile Promise



These terms and conditions apply between you, the User of this Website (including any sub-domains, unless expressly excluded by their own terms and conditions), and JENZA Travel International Limited, trading as JENZA, the owner and operator of this Website.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully, as they affect your legal rights. Your agreement to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions is deemed to occur upon your first use of the Website. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should stop using the Website immediately.

In these terms and conditions, User or Users means any third party that accesses the Website and is not either (i) employed by JENZA and acting in the course of their employment or (ii) engaged as a consultant or otherwise providing services JENZA and accessing the Website in connection with the provision of such services.

You must be at least 16 years of age to use this Website. By using the Website and agreeing to these terms and conditions, you represent and warrant that you are at least 16 years of age.

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All Content included on the Website, unless uploaded by Users, is the property of JENZA, our affiliates or other relevant third parties. In these terms and conditions, Content means any text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations, page layout, underlying code and software and any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Website, including any such content uploaded by Users. By continuing to use the Website you acknowledge that such Content is protected by copyright, trademarks, database rights and other intellectual property rights. Nothing on this site shall be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark, logo or service mark displayed on the site without the owner's prior written permission

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  2. You must inform us immediately of any changes to the information that you provide when registering by updating your personal details to ensure we can communicate with you effectively.

  3. We may suspend or cancel your registration with immediate effect for any reasonable purposes or if you breach these terms and conditions.

  4. You may cancel your registration at any time by informing us in writing to the address at the end of these terms and conditions. If you do so, you must immediately stop using the Website. Cancellation or suspension of your registration does not affect any statutory rights.

Password and security

  1. When you register on this Website, you will be asked to create a password, which you should keep confidential and not disclose or share with anyone.

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Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy

  1. Use of the Website is also governed by our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, which are incorporated into these terms and conditions by this reference. To view the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, please click on the following:


Availability of the Website and disclaimers

  1. Any online facilities, tools, services or information that JENZA makes available through the Website (the Service) is provided "as is" and on an "as available" basis. We give no warranty that the Service will be free of defects and/or faults. To the maximum extent permitted by the law, we provide no warranties (express or implied) of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of information, compatibility and satisfactory quality. JENZA is under no obligation to update information on the Website.

  2. Whilst JENZA uses reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Website is secure and free of errors, viruses and other malware, we give no warranty or guaranty in that regard and all Users take responsibility for their own security, that of their personal details and their computers.

  3. JENZA accepts no liability for any disruption or non-availability of the Website.

  4. JENZA reserves the right to alter, suspend or discontinue any part (or the whole of) the Website including, but not limited to, any products and/or services available. These terms and conditions shall continue to apply to any modified version of the Website unless it is expressly stated otherwise.

Limitation of liability

  1. Nothing in these terms and conditions will: (a) limit or exclude our or your liability for death or personal injury resulting from our or your negligence, as applicable; (b) limit or exclude our or your liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or (c) limit or exclude any of our or your liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law.

  2. We will not be liable to you in respect of any losses arising out of events beyond our reasonable control.

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a. any business losses, such as loss of profits, income, revenue, anticipated savings, business, contracts, goodwill or commercial opportunities;

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  1. You may not transfer any of your rights under these terms and conditions to any other person. We may transfer our rights under these terms and conditions where we reasonably believe your rights will not be affected.

  2. These terms and conditions may be varied by us from time to time. Such revised terms will apply to the Website from the date of publication. Users should check the terms and conditions regularly to ensure familiarity with the then current version.

  3. These terms and conditions together with the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy contain the whole agreement between the parties relating to its subject matter and supersede all prior discussions, arrangements or agreements that might have taken place in relation to the terms and conditions.

  4. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to these terms and conditions and no third party will have any right to enforce or rely on any provision of these terms and conditions.

  5. If any court or competent authority finds that any provision of these terms and conditions (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part-provision will, to the extent required, be deemed to be deleted, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of these terms and conditions will not be affected.

  6. Unless otherwise agreed, no delay, act or omission by a party in exercising any right or remedy will be deemed a waiver of that, or any other, right or remedy.

  7. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted according to the law of England and Wales and all disputes arising under the Agreement (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.

  8. The participant understands that any discount code or credit issued on to their account will only be removed from the final payment. Promotional offers can’t be applied to deposits.

JENZA details

  1. JENZA Travel International Ltd is a company incorporated in Ireland with company number 707281 whose registered address is 29-31 South William St, Dublin, Ireland, D02 EY96 and it operates the website

You can contact JENZA by email on


The Summer Camp US placement program is offered by JENZA Travel International Limited trading as BUNAC (the “Company”) and supported by a regulated US State Department sponsor. The Company acts as an international representative for the Visa sponsor (“the sponsor”). The program is designed to support participants to complete the steps required to obtain a DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) form which permits them to apply for a J1 Summer Work and Travel Visa (the “J1”) which is issued separately by the US Embassy, and select a role at a summer camp operated in the USA.

Participants can apply as:

  • A “First Timer” who is looking to obtain a J1 for the first time and looking for a camp role provided by the Company
  • A “Returner” who have previously held a J1 and who have been retained by a specific camp on the program from a prior year.

The USA summer camp program is a cultural exchange program which allows students the opportunity to work in the USA for a period of up to 4 months during the summer. You agree that it is your intention to gain a camp placement in the USA, and to engage in US cultural activities outside of your working hours. Experience has shown that the single most important factor in assuming a safe and successful experience abroad is the sensible and cautious behaviour of the applicant to act in accordance with these rules.

Please read this document carefully. By signing the student declaration on the application form you are confirming you have read and agree to the terms and conditions and understand that they are binding on you and that your adherence to them is imperative. In addition, you are confirming that the statements contained in this document are accurate to the best of your knowledge, and that you understand and accept the terms and conditions and that you release the Company and the sponsor from all liability.

This English language version of the contract is the binding contract between you and your US sponsor and the Company.

By joining the program you are bound by the company’s general terms and conditions.


First-timers: eligibility screening, coaching session, assistance with finding a placement at camp, J1 visa assistance and DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document), medical insurance and in-country support.

Returners: J1 visa assistance and DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document), medical insurance and in-country support.


The cost of the program is outlined on our website at the time of your booking. All relevant payments will appear on your online account.

Any discount code or credit issued to your account will only be applied to the final payment. Promotional offers can’t be applied to Assessment Fees.

The below table shows the payment schedule and what is included during each phase of the application for a first-timer:

Application and Assessment fee:

  • This is referred to as your “Deposit” on the company’s website and in promotional material and allows you to register on the camp programme
  • The Deposit allows your initial application with the Company to be reviewed and for you to access a compliance interview.
  • The Deposit additionally gives you access to a sponsor application form.
  • You can complete you sponsor application form at any stage after deposit.

Placement fee:

  • Your application is made live for camps to see
  • You interview with a camp
  • You receive and accept a placement

Final Payment

  • The visa sponsor reviews your application
  • You receive a DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) and guidance on how to apply for a J1 visa
  • You receive an insurance policy

The below table shows the payment schedule and what is included during each phase of the application for a returner:

Application and Assessment fee:

  • This is referred to as your “Deposit” on the company’s website and in promotional material and allows you to register with the visa sponsor
  • The Deposit allows you to complete the visa sponsor application. You will also be required to send us a copy of your camp contract.

Placement fee

  • We submit your details to the visa sponsor

Final Payment

  • You receive a DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) and guidance on how to apply for the visa
  • You receive an insurance policy

There are limited DS-2019s (visa sponsorship document) available for anyone returning to camp for the 3rd time, or more. These are allocated on a first come first served basis to those with completed and submitted Sponsor applications.

We recommended submitting your returner application within 4 weeks of your initial booking. If at the time your booking is received there are available 3rd timer spaces available, but you do not submit your sponsor application before all spots are allocated for the year, the cancellation terms listed in section 4 will apply

It is recommended that all participants book on to the program and complete their application before April 1st. For applications received after this date, we cannot guarantee a placement at a camp, nor can we guarantee that you will secure an interview at the US embassy in time for your camp start date. Anyone applying from April 2nd onwards is applying with this understanding and that regular cancellation fees will apply.

What fees will you need to pay to third parties?

  • A police check
  • US Embassy fee
  • Travel to and from the US embassy
  • Any additional travel insurance you wish to take
  • Return flights
  • Transport from the airport once you arrive in the USA (to be discussed with your camp)
  • Proof of funds (you must be able to show proof that you have at least $800 in support funds when you arrive in the USA)
  • Accommodation (for after camp travels/any days off you have from camp)
  • Spending money
  • Charges made by your doctor to complete any medical forms required by your camp.

Regardless of the circumstances, we are unable to refund any of these fees.

Cost increase notice

In the event of a cost increase for the program, the Company will provide customers with at least 30 days’ notice before the new cost takes effect. Customers are responsible for paying the increased cost as specified in the notice.

By continuing to use the program after the specified notice period, customers acknowledge and agree to the revised cost.

The Company reserves the right to adjust the program costs as necessary to reflect changes in operational expenses, market conditions, or other factors that may affect the overall service provision. Any such adjustments will be communicated to customers in a timely manner, allowing them to make informed decisions regarding their continued participation in the program.


The deposit is transferable to any Company program up until the point of your interview taking place. After your interview, your deposit will be considered as used and therefore be non-transferable.

Your deposit is protected for life, however, is not transferable to another person. Your DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) must be printed with your correct name, date of birth, place and country of birth. It is your responsibility to provide details on all application forms that exactly match your passport. There is a charge levied for any amendments, updates, changes or reissuances of DS-2029 once issued by the sponsor, this charge is confirmed at the time of the change request and will be levied by either the company or the sponsor.


Cancellations requests will not be acted on until written confirmation by email has been received by the Company. If a DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) has been issued it must be returned to the Company before any refunds are given.

Program Deposit - The program deposit is a non-refundable fee unless your application is rejected by the Company before your application is submitted to the visa sponsor, in which case you will be refunded minus a $30 administration fee. Your program will be considered cancelled if you request to withdraw, do not engage with your application or do not respond to the Company’s communications or are not able to continue with the program giving rise to your requesting to withdraw.

Cancellations fees and any subsequent refund are calculated based on the stage of your application at cancellation.

The below amounts will be held by the Company when cancelling at specific stages. Any non-refundable fees as stated above are not included in the below amounts:

  • Before application submitted to sponsor: 30%
  • After Acceptance onto the program but not placed: 30%
  • Your Visa is refused by the US Embassy: 30%
  • Your summer placement has been confirmed: 60%
  • After your DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) has been issued: 100% (no refund due)
  • If you are not placed at the end of the hiring season and choose not to roll over your application to the following summer your non-refundable deposit will be held

Returner – all fees paid for the returner program in all cases if you or your camp cancels from the program:

  • Before DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) is issued : 50%
  • After DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) is issued 100% (no refund)

The Company is not liable for and cannot refund third party costs including: police checks, travel costs, medical costs, and visa costs under any circumstances.

Dormant Application

If you have not activated or submitted your summer camp application within 3 months of deposit, your application will be marked as dormant and withdrawn from the program. Regular cancellation fees will apply.


J-1 Camp Counsellor Eligibility

Experience working with children and a confirmed job offer at a US camp

VISA SUPPORT FUNDS: $800 USD USA J-1 Visas are issued at the discretion of the US Embassy and the US Embassy can change visa application processes at any time. You are responsible for submitting a correct and complete visa application on time. You may experience delays to the visa process or a visa denial if you:

  • Have a caution, been arrested or convicted of a crime, have previously experienced US visa/immigration problems or overstayed a visit to the US. You must inform the Company in writing if any of these statuses apply to you at the beginning of the application. Failure to declare such issues resulting in visa denial will result in a 100% cancellation fee.
  • All first-timer applicants must present their documents in person at the US Embassy.
  • The US Embassy will hold your passport until processing has been completed. Do not book any travel abroad during the visa application stage.
  • Average processing time for J1 visa applications with the US consulate is 10-15 business days but may take longer. The US Embassy will not prioritise or ‘fast track’ any visa applications. The company cannot be held responsible for any delays to your application at the embassy.
  • Do not book your US embassy interview until you have been told to book your interview by the Company
  • Wait until you have received confirmation of your visa appointment from the US Embassy before booking transport to your interview.

US Embassy appointments

It is the responsibility of the participant to book, and pay for, their US embassy appointment. Whilst we will send participants their DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) and a visa instructions document, it is the sole responsibility of the participant to book and attend an interview at the US embassy. Any fees associated with booking the embassy appointment are paid for by the participant. Under no circumstances can we refund payments that were made directly to the US embassy.

The US Embassy will hold an applicant’s passport for a minimum of 5 working days for processing of Visa after Interview. It is at the discretion of the US Embassy to hold a passport and application for longer than the above minimum if extra processing is required. The Company, the Sponsor and the US Embassy will not be held responsible for any delays, and subsequent fees incurred due to delays/ extra processing at the US Embassy Interview stage. Under no circumstances can a passport be requested back from the US Embassy quicker than the standard processing times laid out above.

Availability of visa appointments is at the discretion of the US embassy in the country you are applying from. The company does not guarantee your ability to apply for or attend a US embassy appointment.

DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document)

  • Only one original physical copy of your DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) will be issued at any time by the Sponsor and this is the only valid version.
  • If you lose or damage your DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) a new valid version must be issued by the Sponsor and you will be required to cover the costs of issuance and delivery.
  • If you lose or damage your DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) please contact the Company at the earliest opportunity.
  • Your DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) must be kept with your passport whilst in the USA.
  • If you forget or lose your DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document) you may be denied entry to the US or may invalidate your visa and be at risk of deportation. The company are not responsible if immigration deny entry or propose deportation due to insufficient documentation.
  • You will be responsible for any additional costs incurred reissuing documentation.
  • The Company does not keep a copy of your DS-2019 (visa sponsorship document), and you may be asked to present it during any future applications to visit or work in the USA.
  • The Company aims to assist you with your arrival to America before your contract start date but is not responsible for delays caused by yourself, the US Embassy, the postal service or the courier company.

The Company is not responsible for any applications held for additional processing or refused by the US Embassy or any disrupted travel plans due to visa processing delays. The Company is unable to provide refunds paid to the US Embassy under any circumstances.


To participate in the Summer Camp program you will incur additional third-party fees which are outlined in section 2.


Flights are not included as part of the program and you will be responsible for booking them. You should not arrange travel until you have a confirmed summer camp job and have been issued a J1/BridgeUSA Camp Counselor visa. You must provide your booked travel information to the Company at least 72 hours before you intend to fly.

The applicant agrees that we will not be held responsible for any costs incurred if a flight change needs to be made. Examples of this include, but not limited to, visa delays, placement cancellations or extra processing by the US embassy.


Medical insurance is provided as part of the program . Full information of your Insurance plan and the claims procedure will be provided to you once the policy is issued. The Company is not the insurance provider and is not liable for any claims, coverage updates or refunds related to the policy.

The Sponsor insurance policy includes a number of exclusions which may include but are not limited to pre-existing medical conditions and any medication that you use regularly. Please ensure that you have read and understood the terms and conditions and exclusions included in your insurance policy in advance of your departure from your home country. The insurance policy may include an excess or deductible, which you will have to pay on any qualifying claims. If there are any items not covered by the policy it is your responsibility to acquire any additional policies to protect you during your time in USA.

You should always carry the insurance card provided by the Sponsor in case treatment is needed in the USA.

Any injuries incurred whilst working at your summer camp should be covered by the camp’s Workers Compensation Insurance Policy. Should you sustain an injury at camp, you must declare this to your employer immediately.

The insurance policy provided does not cover any claims related to COVID-19. Participants wishing to be covered for this will need to look at an additional policy.


Your placement will take place between May and August and will be approximately 9 weeks long during this period. Every camp has slightly different start and finish placement dates.

If you reject more than one placement offered to you by a camp which matches the preferences outlined on your application form, the Company reserves the right to treat your application as cancelled, and apply the relevant cancellation fee listed above

10. Declaration

As a camp counsellor participant, you fully understand that you will need to give up a great deal of privacy and comfort, work long and demanding hours and must adhere to camp policies which may be limiting and not necessarily reflect your way of living (curfews, sleeping/living conditions, type of food provided, time on/off, no smoking, no alcohol, inappropriate behaviour etc.) You also understand that this program requires a lot of independence and self-motivation. You may be required to live/teach on your own, live in rustic conditions, and be flexible and willing to adapt to changes as they occur.

Failure to complete your placement with your camp, for any reason, may result in the cancellation of your J-1 visa.

You understand that each camp has unique policies, living conditions and norms. Refusal to conform to these policies will likely lead to dismissal or early departure, and you will be responsible for paying any remaining portion of the program fee. Should you be dismissed by your camp, you must contact the visa Sponsor immediately. By signing up to this program, you confirm that:

  • you will be at least 18 years of age by June 1st
  • you know of no reason why you would not be permitted entry to the United States.
  • you know of no reason you would be deemed unsuitable to work directly with children.
  • you do not have any recorded criminal history not disclosed to the company during your application.
  • that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the terms, conditions and rules as detailed above.

BUNAC Extra Mile Promise

Every BUNAC program has been shaped by our Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) and trialled by our BUNAC roadtesters. But after all of that, we’ll refund the part of your BUNAC product you’re not happy with.

The important stuff

  • We don’t believe in lots of complicated jargon. Our Extra Mile promise is founded on trust, honesty and common sense.
  • Travel isn't black and white. Each case will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and handled by our dedicated BUNAC Support Squad.
  • The joy of our trips is that you’re away for an extended period of time. If during the part of your trip when you’re in the care of BUNAC or one of our in-country partners and you don’t feel like we’ve delivered what you signed up for, you just need to contact us. One of our BUNAC Support Squad will be in touch to find out what's happened and to gather all the intel. If something was clearly wrong with your trip and was not as described in the inclusions/service, and it was in the control of ourselves or our in-country partners, we’ll work out refunding you for the part of the service that didn’t live up to our high standards.
  • To help us make the policy fair for everyone, we follow a simple process for every request. To be eligible for the BUNAC Extra Mile promise, you must flag an issue within seven days of any problems with our service.

Step 1

Our team will try and resolve your problem. We’ll discuss your issues and work with our in-country partners to get what’s happened addressed ASAP. We ask that you to give us ten working days to try and do this.

Step 2

If after ten working days the issue hasn’t been resolved and it’s something that falls within our control or that of our partners, we’ll work out the refund amount for that part of your BUNAC product. You’ll be refunded within ten working days.

What's not covered

  • We can't help fix a problem that happened six months previously. The BUNAC Extra Mile promise is only valid when you flag an issue within seven days of any problems that have happened with our service.
  • Things outside of our control. This includes visa denials, missed flights, travel delays, and where personal behaviour has impacted your employment or experience.

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My Booking

JENZA Travel International Ltd, trading as BUNAC, is a company registered in Dublin, Ireland with Registered Company No. 707281 and registered address at 29-31 South William St, Dublin, Ireland, D02 EY96.