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Life in London as a Marketing Intern

Madison spent 6 months interning in a marketing role. Find out more about her experience.

Meet our lovely Intern in Britain intern, Madison. She had an awesome experience interning in London for six months in a marketing role. Here’s what she has to say about her internship, the BUNAC process and exploring London.

Why did you decide to intern in Britain?

My last year at university, I had the opportunity to study abroad in London. I absolutely fell in love with the city and knew I had to come back. Once I finished school, I was not tied down to anything so I thought it was perfect timing.

What was your role?

I have a strong interest in pursuing a career in marketing, so I was placed with a company that offers flexible office solutions. I have numerous roles at my placement, but my main focus was managing their international partnerships.

How did you find the application process?

The application process was extremely easy! Everyone at BUNAC was very helpful. If I ever had any questions, I would get a response within a few days.

What has been your favourite experience living in London?

Living in London! There is always something new and exciting happening, so you can never have a dull moment.

What would you recommend to any future interns going to London?

I would recommend becoming familiar with British terms. I think that was really helpful, since in the States we have different terms for certain things.

What was the travelling like? 

I have not done too much travelling due to interning full time. My family came to visit me and we went to Switzerland, which was beautiful! That is one thing I would take advantage of if you can. Explore as many places as possible.


Inspired? Our Intern in Britain program is open for students and recent graduates of all nationalities. Whether you want to intern over a university summer holiday, gap year or working holiday – BUNAC provides the visa assistance, sponsorship and connections to do a professional internship in the UK for up to six months. Get in touch now to arrange a chat or video call with our Intern in Britain team.

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