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Life in London as a Fashion Public Relations Intern

Meet Nancy, our Intern in Britain alumni who went from studying in Oklahoma to working in PR in London. Nancy secured her UK internship through one of our placement partners, The Intern Group. Here’s her story.


Why did you want to intern in Britain?

The reason I wanted to do an internship abroad vs at home was due to the fact I have a love for travelling, plus doing an internship overseas looks really good on a resume so it was basically a win-win situation. Plus, the connections and networks you make with people overseas is something incomparable, and more energetic and intimate since you are having to put yourself out there. I just knew this experience would help not only in my career, but in my personal life as well.

What was your internship?

Public Relations. I will admit you will start out as a bit of an assistant, but honestly it was very enjoyable. I met lots of new and upcoming designers, stylists etc through my internship, and I got to learn about new designers and how to research influencers to help brands build their target audience and grow their business. There was a slight routine, but I feel like overall there was quite a bit of variety.

What was your first week like?

One thing I remember in my first week ‘on the job’ was delivering samples from the designers in the showroom to clients. Delivering the samples was fun, because you got to experience London and sometimes meet and see the different spaces of people in the industry.

What did you learn from your internship?

Skills I learned during my internship that I truly treasure, is not being afraid to talk to strangers - to ask questions if you are lost, as most people will help and lead you in the right direction. And SLOW DOWN. It’s easy to want to constantly go fast, but usually that’s when details fall through causing bigger issues. And be yourself at work, because there’s a reason why they hired you.

Would you do another internship?

Absolutely I would do another internship in London, because the experience was a 10/10 no matter the good and bad experiences I had - it was all a learning experience. I made so many connections, developed a better sense of self, experienced a new field in the fashion industry that I'd never thought about, made good friends I still talk to, and pushed myself outside my comfort zone. Also, I got to travel outside of the country which I would highly recommend.

What advice would you give to someone looking to intern in Britain?

Be authentic, be open minded and go experience it all. It will be scary, but very much worth it. Do not try to fit into the crowd, you will find your people and you will experience people from all walks of life and cultures so STAY OPEN MINDED.


Inspired? Our Intern in Britain program is open for students and recent graduates of all nationalities. Get professional job experience, internationalise your CV and experience life in one of the most progressive and multicultural countries in the word. Our work here is done...

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