From our Camp Class of 23 8 reasons why you should work at summer camp in America

Hear from people who've been there and tie-dyed the staff t'shirt. Here's what our class of '23 campers had to say about their summer working at camp.

Don’t take it from us... 
At BUNAC, our team talk a lot about camp being our happy place. And so nothing makes us happier than when we get feedback from our travellers that they feel the same. Here’s what some of our BUNAC Class of ‘23 campers had to say about their experience working at camp last summer.  

If you’re thinking of taking the leap for summer ‘24 - we hope you feel inspired. And don’t forget to reach out to our BUNAC team if you have any questions.  

1. Camp can change the course of your life 

“Everyone needs to do this! After missing out on so much due to Covid hitting when I was 17/18, I dropped out of university after six months, and thought after a year and a half working in hospitality that my life was going nowhere. After this experience, I feel that I have grown so much, and have so much more confidence and ambition. I am applying for university next year, and intend to return to camp year after year.” 
2. Camp changes you as a person 

“I honestly believe this is an experience that many young people should try. It changes you as a person, exposes you to a whole new world and gives you an appreciation for friendship and teamwork that I would never have experienced otherwise. Truly nothing like it.” 
3. Camp challenges you 

“It will push you in so many different wonderful ways that we often don’t experience enough in our own lives. From speaking with so many different people constantly every day, to being immersed in a new culture, to engaging with kids in so many fun ways. It allows you to build your strength in looking after kids and activities.” 

4. Camp is a supported way to work abroad 

“I really enjoyed it as a new cultural experience and it didn’t feel like working most of the time, as the kids and staff were great. I felt well looked after by the Camp Directors who were very supportive.” 

5. Camp pushes you out of your comfort zone 

“Camp inspired me to explore my surroundings and adventure. I’m climbing a mountain tomorrow and before June, it wouldn’t have even crossed my mind as something I would do. Let alone enjoy!” 
6. Camp friends are like family 

“I had the most amazing time, any opportunity I get to talk about it I could ramble on for hours. It genuinely changed me for the better and I have now made some incredible friends and memories.” 

“You gain so many skills, have crazy experiences doing things you never would have thought of. Coming out of camp with a solid community and family for life.” 

7.Camp teaches you new skills 

“It was amazing, every single day I learned something new and met someone who taught me something valuable, I do not wish to have spent my summer any different.” 

8.Camp WILL make you cry 

I had the most amazing experience and I met the most amazing people that I will call lifelong friends. I often look back at my time at camp and tears form in my eyes because it truly changed me for the better and I am so grateful I took that jump to go to summer camp on my own.” 
* These testimonials were taken from our end of season Summer Camp USA 2023 survey. 

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