Top 5 facts on the Kruger National Park


Kruger National Park is one of the worlds greatest national parks. The diversity and sheer amount of animals alone is incomparable to any other. It's home to the big 5, gets over a million visitors a year, and is about the same size as Wales.

Here are our top 5 facts about the park.



  Firstly, did you know that the Kruger National Park is the largest game reserves in Africa? It spans across 19,633 square kilometers. That's just smaller than the size of Belgium! 




The Kruger National Park is home to over 12,000 elephants, 27,000 African Buffalo, 1,000 leopards and lots of other wonderful wildlife.

Actually, your base on our volunteer programme will be in the Greater Kruger National Park, so who knows what wonderful wildlife you will encounter when relaxing after a days work. 



The first motorist entered the park in 1927, and the entrance cost was just £1!




The reserve has 21 rest camps, 2 private lodge concessions and 15 private safari lodges!



  The Kruger Park has a hot, sub-tropical climate and most of the year it is hot during the day (above 25 degrees). It's an all year round destination, game viewing can be at its best during the winter months however the wet summer season brings full water holes, lots of newborn wildlife, and the summer migrant birds arrive. Whatever time you head out, you're sure to have an unforgettable experience! 


Has this quick guide ignited an interest in heading the Kruger National Park? Find out what great projects you can be getting up to and where you will be living, you're sure to have an amazing experience! Got any questions? Talk to an expert, give us a call on 033 3999 7516.

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