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Travel Talk / Summer camp

A day in the life of a lifeguard at summer camp

Getting to sit on the cool tall chair with a megaphone- just one of the perks of being a lifeguard at summer camp.

JENZA Paper Tear

What's it actually life to work the waters at summer camp in America?

Lucky for you - we reached out to the BUNAC community for the down low on what being a summer camp lifeguard entails. Working at summer camp in the USA is often described as the hardest job you’ll ever love - especially for people who take on a role as a lifeguard. You’ll have a fair bit of responsibility at work, but you’ll also have the opportunity to meet some great people, do some incredible things and experience some truly unforgettable moments.

So without further ado, let's get into the details of what a day in the life of a lifeguard at summer camp might look like...

About the role

First things first, what does it take to be a lifeguard at summer camp? You’ll need to be a confident and approachable person - as a member of the lifeguard team, the campers (generally kids or teens) should see you as a trustworthy figure on the campsite.

You’ve got to be adaptable and prepared to turn your hand to lots of different aspects of summer camp lifeguard life! Along with your day-to-day responsibilities as a lifeguard, you’ll be asked to get involved with all sorts of activities both on and off the water, so it pays to be ready for anything.

But it’s not all work, work, work! Summer camp gives you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse yourself in a traditional part of American life. You’ll meet lots of like minded new people and make forever friends as you share this rewarding experience.

The benefits of being a lifeguard at summer camp

  • Get a taste of life in the USA
  • Meet lots of new friends
  • Develop new skills that look great on your CV
  • Take part in exciting activities
  • Get out of your comfort zone (and develop your confidence!)
  • Experience a job where no two days are the same

Example day in the life as a lifeguard at summer camp

Now for a play by play on what a typical day in this role might look like according to the BUNAC Community.

  • 07:30 - Wake up to the sound of One Direction over the camp tannoy and rush to get my cabin of eight 15-year-old girls up and ready for flag raising.
  • 08:30 - Breakfast is bagels and cream cheese today - my favourite!
  • 09:00 - It’s cabin clean up time. My cabin have won the cleanest cabin award for 3 days in a row, so we’re on a roll - and on a mission to keep our winning streak going.
  • 10:00 - First activity. The youngest boys are first to the pool. Swimming is their favourite activity on camp - and they're hyper!
  • 11:30 - Second activity. I take the oldest boys out kayaking on the lake, where we race - one of them even beats me!
  • 13:00 - Lunch time means taco time! My cabin wins the Cabin Clean Up Award for the 4th day in a row……smiles all round.
  • 14:00 - The campers head out for their third activity. As a lifeguard, we get the period after lunch off because the heat. Today, I receive a package from home - English tea bags and chocolate.
  • 15:00 - Fourth activity. I’m teaching the oldest girls to dive. They’re all so keen to improve, so it’s really rewarding.
  • 16:00 - Fifth activity. I supervise fishing with the youngest girls on camp. Their squeals at handling the slimy fish can be heard right across camp - it’s always a real laugh!
  • 18:00 - Dinner is a cook out, rustic style - I’m full from two really delicious burgers and a hot dog.
  • 19:30 - It’s International Evening tonight, so I’ve painted the Union Jack on my face ready for some inter–country competitions! There’s always chance at the end of the day for some fun and games.
  • 21:30 - Bedtime for the campers. Once the girls in my cabin stop chatting and fall asleep, I head up to our daily staff meeting to go over all the day’s events.
  • 22:00 - It’s been a really fun but busy day. I’m knackered but I’ll always try to hang out in the staff lodge with my camp colleagues - we’re planning an American road trip for after camp. Camp life is a little hectic but I absolutely love it!
Does life guarding in the America sound like your ideal role? Summer Camp USA is always looking for new additions to the team, from lifeguards, tennis instructors, theatre and arts roles to Camp Counsellors. Join our Summer Camp USA program today and super-size your summer! Give us a call on 0333 014 8484 to discuss endless exciting opportunities with BUNAC.
A laptop sits at the edge of the water


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“Being a lifeguard at a summer camp in the USA gives you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse yourself in a traditional part of American life.“

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