Top 10 must-try foods in Australia and New Zealand

It’s no secret that there’s rivalry between Australia and New Zealand, but with this top 10 we’re celebrating foods that both places have to offer. Have a read and see which foods you’ll want to sink your teeth into on your trip to the Land Down Under!

10. Pineapple Lumps
- Not as healthy as it sounds. Instead of mouth-watering fruit, full of nutrients like Vitamin C, you’ll get a chewy pineapple-flavoured centre with a chocolate-flavoured shell, full of sugar and fat. But hey, you need to indulge every once in a while!

9. Aussie Burger – While the burger doesn’t originate from either country, that doesn’t mean they can’t improve on it. Whilst in Australia, find yourself stuffing your face with this mammoth of a burger containing lettuce, onion, tomato, pineapple, beets, cheese, bacon, ketchup all topped off with a fried egg. Yes please.

8. Pavlova – Caught in a tug-of-war as both countries claim ownership, regardless of where it came from, this delicious treat consists of a crusty meringue outer, with a soft inside, topped with whipped cream and any type of fruit you wish. They range in appearance, from works of art to a crumbly mess, but all are equally enjoyable to eat.

7. Burger Rings – When you can’t sink your teeth into an Aussie Burger, go for the next best thing (ok, maybe not). These fried snacks are supposed to taste like a barbequed burger but again there is much room for debate. The only way you’ll find out what these taste like is making your way Down Under.

6. Hokey Pokey – Available in both Australia and New Zealand, this dessert will definitely satisfy your sweet tooth. Vanilla ice cream, with little balls of honeycomb is the perfect combination for a post-dinner treat.

5. Chiko roll – Take everything that’s great about egg rolls and double—no, triple that!—then add some extras like beef, barley, onion, green beans and carrots! Basically it turns your average, run-of-the-mill egg roll appetiser into a full on meal.

4. Potato cakes – Usually found alongside two succulent strips of deep fried haddock, potato cakes are like chips on steroids. Mash, made into large medallions, deep fried and sprinkled with salt, turns a boring old side of chips into another meal in itself!

3. Dagwood dog – Another take on an American classic, the Dagwood Dog aka Pluto Pup is essentially your typical American corn dog, but the Aussies have taken the courtesy of pre-dipping it in ketchup so you don’t have to go to the effort yourself. How thoughtful!

2. Boston Bun – The Boston bun is prevalent in both Australia and New Zealand, although in New Zealand they sometimes call it a Sally Lunn. This pastry consists of a spiced bun, sometimes with raisins and always with heaps of coconut icing. Slice it up, dish it out and enjoy it with your tea!

1. Vegemite / Marmite – Brits aren’t the only ones that either love it or hate it. Aussies have their Vegemite, and Kiwis have Marmite, but it’s not quite the same as what you’ll find in Britain; it’s much paler and not as thick. Kiwis take their spreads seriously: in March 2012 there was a shortage of Marmite and jars were selling for as high as NZ$800!

If you want to give these and other culture foods a try, head Down-Under with Work Australia or Work New Zealand. For more information give us a call on 033 3999 7516


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