Meet BUNAC's Newest Team Member - Sarah

Hey Sarah! Tell us a bit about yourself.

Job title: US Sales and Marketing Coordinator

Describe yourself in three words: Practical, Motivated, Flexible

What’s your favorite song to sing to in the shower?: Man, I Feel Like a Woman by Shania Twain

 If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?: Caprese salad, two hot dogs, corn on the cob, and finish it off with chocolate lava cake

Where is your dream city that you want to live?: I would love to live in any of the U.S. Virgin Islands, but preferably St. Thomas or St. Martin

Where’s next on your travel bucket list and why?: Anywhere in Europe.  Italy and Germany are high on my bucket list but I would also love to travel to London now that I have so many great coworkers to visit.

Tell us about your favorite traveling memory: My favorite travel memory is when I was able to explore so many islands in the Caribbean with my mom and sister. Being able to explore and adventure the Caribbean and everything that each island has to offer is unlike anything I've done before. Each island we visited had such a diverse culture and being able to interact with the locals and their traditions was truly unforgettable.

Why do you love working for BUNAC?: I am very excited about the opportunity to learn about so many different countries and be able to provide our customers with the chance to travel to so many wonderful places around the world.

What would you say to someone who was unsure about going traveling?: Take a chance! There are so many unique and amazing places to visit in the world. There will alwas be a place that you can call home and return to, but if you never take a chance to see the world you might miss out on creating lasting memories and meeting some truly incredilbe people.

AND LASTLY what’s your travel philosophy?: Wherever you are, be there. Completely immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of wherever you may be.

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