A – Z of Summer Camp

"Going to camp" for up to 10 weeks each summer is a well-established North American tradition, BUNAC have put together the comprehensive A-Z of summer camp! Spending the summer working at camp is a fun and rewarding way to spend a summer outdoors, teaching an activity you love. After camp ends you have up to 30 days to travel and explore the USA following successful completion of your contract.  To help you on your way industry experts BUNAC have written the A – Z of summer camp!

A… Adventure! With up to 30 days to travel after camp ends, you can get out and see all the US of A has to offer! 
B… BUNAC, We’ve been sending people to camp since 1971! We’re the summer camp dream team! Join the 120,000 who have been to camp with BUNAC!
C… Campfires. Get ready for some good old fashioned cheesy sing-a-longs.
D… Dance Parties. Apparently these happen a lot at camp. Like, a lot, a lot… Brace yourself…
E… Everlasting friendships. ‘Camp friend!’
F… Fancy Dress. The staple of your summer camp wardrobe.
G… Ghost Stories. Brush up on your spooky stories! The campfire is calling…
H… Holidays! Experience the 4th of July in style!
I… International CV experience.  Why spend your summer working at the local supermarket? Get some work experience that’ll really wow employers!
J… Jam or Jelly? Which is correct? The international debate continues.
K… Kids. Prepare to be a teacher/babysitter/old sibling/counsellor/role model/friend hybrid.
L… Laughter and lots of it.
M… Maine and Massachusetts . A large number of our camps are based in these beautiful states!
N… Nature, Watch out for the bears!
O… Oreas, tasty, tasty biscuits. Oh, sorry, we mean cookies.
P… Parent Trap. Want to know what camp is like? Just watch the Li-Lo classic, back when she was sweet and innocent…
Q…  Quick Thinking. After spending 8-10 weeks working with children, you’ll be able to deal with anything!
R… Rewarding! You’ll be a role model and leader to your campers.
S… S’mores… The tasty camp classic. A marshmallow sandwiched between chocolate and gram crackers. Mmmm nutritious.
T… Teaching experience! Thinking about going onto teach? Get some amazing CV experience that’ll help your application stand out from the crowd.
U… USA! USA! USA! *chants*
V… Variety, No day is the same at camp!
W… Water! Life revolves around the lake at camp! Swimming, kayaking, wakeboarding, water –skiing, we could go on.
X… Xtreme Sports, Fancy teaching mountain biking or skating to kids?
Y… You’ll never forget. You’ll be telling ‘This one time at camp…’ stories for the rest of your life!
Z… Zzzs. We can’t promise you’ll be catching many of these at camp!

Ready to start your own camp adventure? Call BUNAC on 0333 999 7516.

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