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A typical day for a lifeguard at summer camp

Meet Hollie - she tells us all about a typical day as a lifeguard at Summer Camp.

Hollie's Summer Camp USA Story Summer camp is often described as 'the hardest job you'll ever love' and this is definitely true for Hollie who worked as a lifeguard at summer camp. She had the best time working with the kids and sharing cultures, she shares with us her typical day at camp.

07:30 - Awake to the sound of 'One Direction' over the camp tannoy, and rush to get my cabin of eight, 15 year old girls up and ready for flag raising.

08:30 - Breakfast is bagels and cream cheese today - my favourite!

09:00 - It’s cabin clean up time - my cabin have won the cleanest cabin award for 3 days in a row, so we are on a roll / mission!

10:00 - 1st activity: The youngest boys are first to the pool - swim is their favourite activity on camp, they're hyper!

11:30 - 2nd activity: I take the oldest boys out kayaking on the lake, we race and one of them even beats me!

13:00 - Lunch time – taco time! My cabin won the Cabin Clean Up Award for the 4th day in a row……smiles all round!

14:00 - 3rd activity: As a lifeguard, we get the period after lunch off due to the heat. I receive a package from home, wow, English tea bags and chocolate!

15:00 - 4th activity: I teach the oldest girls to dive, they’re all so keen to improve. It’s really rewarding.

16:00 - 5th activity: I supervise fishing with the youngest girls on camp – their squeals at handling the slimy fish can be heard right across camp, we have a great laugh!

18:00 - Dinner is a cook out, rustic style… I’m full from 2 burgers and a hot dog…

19:30 - It’s International Evening tonight, so I’ve painted the Union Jack on my face ready for inter – country competitions!

21:30 - Finally, the girls in my cabin stop chatting and fall asleep, so I head up to our daily staff meeting to go over the day’s events.

22:00 - I’m knackered but hang out in the staff lodge with other BUNACers planning our American road trip for after camp! Camp life is hectic, but I love it!


Think you have what it takes? Summer Camp USA is always looking for all skill sets, from lifeguards to tennis instructors. Join our Summer Camp USA programme today and super-size your summer! Give us a call on 0333 014 8484.

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