7 things you need to pack for Summer Camp USA

1. Souvenirs from your home country 

A flag/postcards/stickers or anything you can think from your home country. The kids love to hear about where you're from and you'll instantly become the most popular camp counselor if you give them a small souvenir from your home country.


2. Your favourite pair of sliders or dare I say... Crocs! 

At camp you'll soon get sick of your feet getting wet and dirty from the grass and going in and out of the water. Some easy, slip on footwear will save you from having wet feet all the time. Crocs may be a bit uneasy on the eye but they're surprisingly comfy if you give them a chance! 


3. Sun cream, lots of sun cream. 

It can get pretty hot during a summer at camp and you'll be spending a lot of time outdoors. To make sure you don't turn into a lobster on your first two days, make sure you stock up on sun cream.


4.Pictures from home

It's always nice to have a few reminders of home but also really useful when you're telling everyone about life back home. 


5. Emergency fancy dress outfit 

Dressing up in ridiculous costumes is something you'll be doing quite frequently at camp. If the camp hasn't already specified a theme, you're best packing a backup fancy dress just in case. 


6. A camera

A bit of an obvious one, but if you're planning on doing some traveling after camp remember to take a camera to capture those memories.


7. A few games up your sleeve for a rainy day

You might find yourself in the situation of having to entertain a large group of hyper active children with limited resources so it's best to prepare a few word games that will help pass the time. 


AND If you do forget anything... there's always Walmart. 

Haven't sorted your next summer camp USA adventure yet? Take a look at our programme, we're the original providers of the US Summer Camp and have some fantastic opportunities available for you!

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