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How to Be You in your camp video?

At Summer Camp USA, it’s all about personality, it is about being you and what you can bring to camp. Not only that, but we here at BUNAC want to ensure that we match you with the right camp. This is not always easy to see on a written application, so that’s why we love to hear and see what skills you can bring to camp this summer! 

First things first - Relax. I know for some this may seem out of your comfort zone. If you are nervous, that is the first thing we are going to see on camera.  

Body language is the first thing people notice about somebody, are you making eye contact with the camera? Project your voice and speak with enthusiasm.  

It’s just 60 seconds, it’ll be over before you know it!

Let’s get into it, we’ve got some questions for you to answer: 

  1. Everyone wants to work at camp, but why do you?

Summer camps love enthusiasm, at camp it’s about loving what you do. So, we want to know why you would love to work at camp.  

  1. Have you got what it takes?

Tell us about any experience you have working with children. Camps want to know what difference you can make working with the children at their camp this summer, so letting them know this won’t be your first rodeo will be reassuring  

  1. What will you bring that no one else can?  

What’s unique about you? What skills, personality traits, regional quirks, traditions, or fun things will you bring to camp that other people might not be able to?  

  1. Be creative, how? By being yourself.

This isn’t a team’s meeting; you don’t need to sit in front of the camera in your shirt and tie. You are simply showcasing who you are to a camp, that wants you for being you. Here a couple of things to consider: 

  1. Remember to check your surroundings

Think about where you are filming from. At camp we love the outdoors, that’s what it is all about. Have you thought about filming outside, this can be as simple as being in your garden? Filming indoors is better than not filming at all though.  

If you do choose to film outside, make sure we are able to hear you and the background isn’t too noisy!  

  1. Show us what you love!

If you are planning to head to camp this summer to be an activity specialist, this can be anything from a soccer coach, dance teacher to leading arts and crafts. Why not show us your skills? Or if you have a video of you assisting children in an activity. We’d love to see that too! 

  1. Kids, gotta’ love them! 

A great way to showcase to camps that you want to work with children could be as simple involving siblings or younger family members in your video, again you can demonstrate this with an activity of your choice. 

  1. Get all the right angles

You can use a video camera, a mobile phone or a webcam to film your video. Whichever you prefer, we’re not picky. It is important to consider these things when you are filming: 

- Landscape or portrait? If you are using your mobile phone landscape is probably best. 

- Camera man? Can a friend or family member film for you. If not, can you place the camera on a suitable surface of which you can film from.  

- Lights, camera, action! Don’t forget the lighting is super important, our camp directors want to be able to see who they are hiring. 

  1. Upload it 

You’ll need to share a link to your video in your application. You can either upload your video to YouTube, or Vimeo, or use to record your video and get an instant link to share.  

  1. And that’s it!

Ready to get started? Start your Summer Camp application today here. If you have any other questions about the process our Summer Camp team are on-hand to help. Drop them an email here

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