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Day in the life of a Camp Counsellor

Meet Liz - who gives us a taste of a typical day at camp as a General Counsellor.

If you're thinking of heading to Summer Camp USA but are unsure of what your day-to-day schedule might look like, two times Summer Camper Liz is here to shed some light. Although every Camp will have a slightly different routine, you can get a feel of what yours might be like from her experience. 

Day in the life of a Camp Counsellor

I’ve spent the past two years working at a Summer Camp as a General Camp Counsellor, which in my camp included living with the children, having meals with them, and running activities with all the campers throughout the day.  Here is my routine while at camp… 

Wake up and Breakfast  

6:45am -7am – I attempt to wake up seven 10 year old girls and convince them to get ready for morning dip. At my Camp, every morning before breakfast all the campers and counsellors go down to lake and jump in. This quickly became one of my favourite times of the day. It’s a fantastic way to wake up and to have a quick chat with staff. 

8am - 9am – Breakfast… the chaos ensues. Meal times at camp are hectic at the best of times. I find with breakfast best tactic is to ensure all the campers are fed, then sit back with a cup of tea and try and let the madness go on around you. 

Morning activities  

After breakfast, the day properly starts with a series of activities. At the Camp I work at, the counsellors run the activities with any combination of campers aged from 6-17. So mornings can start with lifeguarding, climbing or arts and crafts.  


12pm -1pm – Chaos comes with mealtimes, and lunch is no different. Songs, dances and table games are a key feature of lunch. 

Rest hour  

1pm - 2pm – AKA the best hour of the day. Rest hour is chance to relax and have a rest before continuing with the rest of day. Well it’s a rest hour for older campers and their counsellors (mine tend to consist of keeping track of excitable 10 year olds). 


2pm - 3:15pm – More activities, or some time off, depending on the day and your schedule. Your time of during the day is chance to have some time to recuperate and catch up with other counsellors. (Top tip – find somewhere where the kids can’t find you, it’s your time off, and you need it to come back energised and ready to work again) 

3:15pm - 4pm – Tuck time!!!! During tuck, the main priority is to supervise the campers, but it’s also time to have a snack and a drink. Tuck is a great chance to chat to some of the campers you may not have seen that day and get to know the kids outside of your cabin. 

4pm - 5:30pm – More activities… the countdown to dinner is on. 


5:30pm-6:30pm – Dinner!!! More food, and lots of tired kids who want to tell you about what they’ve accomplished that day.  

6:30pm-7:45pm – One final activity, usually one that’s a bit calmer, like bracelet making, reading or swimming. 

8pm-9pm – Evening activity. These vary from day to day, and can be anything from Campfire, to Capture the Flag. 

9pm – BEDTIME! Time to sleep and recharge for another crazy day at camp. As I have the young campers I go to bed early, but if your campers are older they may have social time, however this is normally finished by half 10.  

Life at Summer Camp is busy, and the days are long, but so fun and so rewarding. It’s truly one of the best experiences I’ve ever had!


Feeling inspired by Liz's Summer Camp USA experience? Get in contact with the team here 


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