BUNAC's A-Z of Canada!

Here at BUNAC we've put together an A-Z of our favorite Canada highlights. Time to get inspired.

Here at BUNAC we've put together an A-Z of our favorite Canada highlights to help guide you through your Work Canada experience!

A… Alberta, home of the Rocky Mountains!
B… Banff, a beautiful town in the Rockies, with TWO ski resorts nearby!
C… Canucks, Vancouver’s Ice Hockey Team!
D… Dog-sledding, you can pretend you’re in Due South!
E…  Elk, not to be confused with Moose. Apparently it’s a bit of a faux pas.
F… French! Canada is officially a bilingual country. See above.
G… Granville Island, Vancouver. It has a brewery which makes Maple Syrup beer.
H… Hockey, Canada’s favorite sport, played on…
I… Ice Skates!
J… Jasper, Another Ski town.. You’ll start to see a theme here…
K… Kelowna in the Okanagan Valley. In summer, boating and biking are popular, and in winter, Alpine and Nordic skiing are big. 
L… Lake Louise, yet another beautiful ski resort.
M… Maple Syrup, on everything. pancakes, eggs, bacon, beer… (see G)
N… Niagara Falls, Far more impressive in real life!
O… Ottawa, Canada’s Capital City!
P… Poutine, Canada’s national dish of fries, cheese and gravy!
Q… Québec, The French province of Canada.
R… Rodeo! Calgary's annual rodeo the Calgary Stampede has to be seen to be believed!
S... Snow. Lots of it! (Seeing a theme here?)
T… Toronto. Famous for the CN tower and it’s amazing film festival!
U… Ukami Rolls, Oddly enough the West Coast is big on sushi!
V… Vancouver, hosted the winter Olympics in 2010
W… Whistler, The largest skiable area in North America! Fact.
X… X-treme winter sports: Snowboarding, Skiing, etc… (We admit this one is a bit of a cop-out!)
Y… Yukon, home of Canada’s tallest mountain, Mount Logan.
Z… Zip lining! Especially fun when done in the snow! (We told you there was a theme.)

Find out more about our Work Canada program!

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